Many variables can affect the actual temperature in your dryer at any given time… load size, dampness, room temperature and yes, air flow (or lack thereof).

The normal temperature inside a dryer averages between 125 – 165 degrees Fahrenheit. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission research, a 75 percent blocked dryer exhaust duct elevates the exhaust air temperature of the average electric dryer 89 percent more than its normal operating temperature with an unblocked duct. Now that’s some heat! 

And what is blocking that exhaust duct? Lint makes perfect kindling (in fact many outdoorsy people collect lint to help start the perfect campfire for that very reason!). It’s fluffy, fibrous and highly flammable. Combined with high temperatures due to diminished airflow and you’ve got a recipe for disaster. 

Keep your family and your home safe by adhering to an annual professional dryer vent cleaning schedule and bring down the heat. 

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