DIY Dryer Vent Cleaning vs Professional Dryer Vent Cleaning
We love a good DIY project. But certain home maintenance projects should really be left to professionals. Dryer vent cleaning is one of those projects.

Dryer Vent Cleaning Improves Your Home’s Indoor Air Quality
In these dark days where hand sanitizer and toilet paper are in short supply, health and safety is on everyone’s minds. Social distancing at home

Pet hair? Don’t care.
Central Oregonians love their furry friends. And no doubt, “man’s best friend” is a great companion. But if you have pets in your home, chances

Fall Is here! Is your home ready?
8 Fall Home Maintenance Items to Tackle Now The aroma of pumpkin spice fills the air and Central Oregon mornings have a noticeable chill lately.

The Hidden Costs of Drying Your Laundry
The National Resources Defense Council concludes that Americans spend $9 billion a year on the electricity used to dry their clothes. While the industry has

How long is too long?
Doing laundry (especially if you have kids at home!) seems to be a never-ending chore. But if your dryer isn’t running at its full potential,

Why hire a certified dryer exhaust technician?
Many companies offer dryer vent cleaning services, usually as an add-on to another service. You want to hire the best. But how do you discern

It’s Getting Hot in Here
Many variables can affect the actual temperature in your dryer at any given time… load size, dampness, room temperature and yes, air flow (or lack

Clothes Dryer Lint Screen – Cleaning Time!
In addition to annual professional dryer vent cleaning and service, there are a few other simple things you can do to help your dryer running